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Sociology: Indexes & Databases

Is your Journal Article Available at Bowdoin?

Some indexes and databases have a link to “Check Availability at Bowdoin,” showing whether a specific article is available in our Library collection.  Or, use the Journal Titles A-Z section of the Library Gateway to determine whether we own a particular journal in print or electronic format.  If we do not have the journal you need, use Interlibrary Loan to request an article from another library.

Scholarly vs. Popular Journals

Scholarly articles are written by experts in a field and are typically directed at their peers. The articles contain reports of original research and in-depth analysis of topics. Scholarly articles may also be referred to as "peer-reviewed" or "refereed." These articles are submitted to a panel of experts, or peers, who review the content for standards established by the respective field.  Examples include: American Journal of Sociology and Social Problems. 

Popular and newsstand articles generally are shorter in length, sometimes are not signed, do not contain footnotes or a bibliography, and are targeted at the general population. Examples include Time and Newsweek.



Indexes & Databases

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